This is a blog based around Sal's period 4 Sociology class.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


As a society, we all generalize people, but one of the main groups generalized is teenagers. They aren't children, and they aren't adults. They're in the middle which makes people unsure how to deal with them. This week we read an article called "The Teen Mystique". I personally started to get angry reading it as a teenager because it generalized all teens to either be having sex, doing drugs, drinking or being a part of criminal activities. Many people judge teenagers as troublesome kids who don't know how to grow up. The article said that this generation of teenagers will basically ruin our society. Not all of us are that bad...sure we make mistakes, but that is what being a teenager is about. It's learning our mistakes to be able to become good adults when it comes time. Teens are immature, is the general assumption, but there are teens that graduate high school early and go off to college, or kids that don't do bad in school or out of school, are they immature too?

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I hate how people generalize teens as being bad people. Adults used to be teenagers and they too made the same mistakes we do. If they turned out as mature adults them I'm pretty sure we'll be just fine as well.
